
If you’re getting in touch, we’ll use your contact details to respond to you. Your information doesn’t go anywhere other than directly to us.

You do not need to register an account in order purchase from us. When placing an order, the details you provide at the checkout include your contact details plus your delivery and billing address. These are shared with our delivery partner(s) and are not used for any other purpose.

Unlike many companies, by contacting us or placing an order with us, you are not automatically added to mailing lists. However, also unlike many companies, we do not have social media and share our updates exclusively via newsletter. You can opt in to this at checkout or in the footer.

We use Lightspeed to process payments. Lightspeed does not pass any card information across to us – all your data is encrypted by them and we simply receive the payment. Here’s their privacy policy.

This policy may be updated from time to time, including to ensure compliance with any future alterations to data protection laws. These updates will supersede any prior version and the most up-to-date version will always be available on our website.

Should you have any questions or queries about any of the above or anything that isn’t perhaps covered in this policy, please email us.